rings aaa.jpg

Set me free

The origin of a plant is its seed, so under a series of four rings, I have presented the development of a micro-universe from a few seeds caught under the glass semi-sphere.

In the first ring the seeds are in the germ stage, in the second are already stem plants still caught under the glass. The third ring illustrates one of the growing plants trying to penetrate through the glass creating a small crack, and finally,  in the fourth ring, the plants manage to escape. The brooch and necklace are also representing the climax of liberation.

Nature against civilization

Nowadays, the cities are suffocated by buildings, cement and concrete. We like it when we walk through the sidewalk paved with no soil and mud, but we still complain that we have no air, that we do not breathe properly. We, humans, have suffocated the mother nature in concrete with our civilization and at what cost? At the cost of not dirtying our shoes, or moving comfortably in our car, or having spacious homes that we do not even use, gigantic office buildings where people are locked like they are in greenhouses, being forced to "grow ".

But where does this civilization go? Can we call it evolution when in our subconscious we know that we have destroyed most of the wonders that were simply offered to us?

Human beings are part of nature, we are living because of it, and yet, why do we choose to hurt it? . In science, human has often been a rational being, for example, Macroeconomics is based on the hypothesis that man is a rational being, who will make rational decisions in favor of his own interests. This approach has also given a philosophical trend (utilitarianism). Utilitarianism is a moral theory that allows an assessment of the actions of individuals, and has two essential dimensions: a criteria of good and evil.

And then, this makes us wonder where human reasoning is when, in an attempt to make a decision in favor of one's own interest, namely, a better, easier life, the result is in detriment of one's own interest.

The project “Nature against civilization“ comes from the fact that between human and nature is a continuous fight, human destroying the mother nature in order to build what in his vision represents a better life, and nature infiltrating into the human creation, trying to penetrate it , to make room to survive, and resume its place.

My research aims to draw attention to this phenomenon, by capturing those moments in which nature defeats civilization and frees itself.

Set me free

The collection "Set me free" is a part of the project called “Nature against civilization” which is based on the fact that between human and nature is a continuous fight, human destroying the mother nature in order to build what in his vision represents a better life, and nature infiltrating into the human creation, trying to penetrate it , to make room to survive, and resume its place.

The inspiration of my work came from those large cracks in buildings or on the street in the asphalt or pavement, where we can see how  grass, a tiny, fragile plant, but with the will to grow, tries to rip, to give us a piece of oxygen, or a tree that tries to get rid of the bars built around it and starts to swallow them. 

The origin of a plant is its seed, so under a series of 4 rings, I have presented the development of a micro-universe from a few seeds caught under the glass semi-sphere. In the first ring the seeds are in the germ stage, in the second are already stem plants still caught under the glass. The third ring illustrates one of the growing plants trying to penetrate through the glass creating a small crack, and finally,  in the fourth ring, the plants manage to escape. The brooch and necklace are also representing the climax of liberation.

To emphasize that the two worlds, nature and civilization, are opposed to a material view, I have chosen two types of materials:

-        metal, the base material used in representing both the natural structure and the base or the support of the jewelry ,

-        and glass, representing the world of civilization. 



